Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Toddlers do NOT need more energy!

Toddlers do NOT need more energy!! But, ever since the lovely mamas that I know have been enjoying these No Bake Energy Bites courtesy of Smashed Peas and Carrots, I have wanted to make a version that Baby Roo could enjoy.  So I searched Pinterest for PB, Banana, and Cheerio recipes (some of her favorite snacks).  I found Peanut Butter and Banana Bites from Our Family World.  I am not sure that Roo would be able to handle that quite yet.  So, I put the two together.  Here is what I came up with:

Toddler Energy Bites
1 banana, smashed
½ cup Peanut Butter
2 TBLS ground flaxseed
1 cup Cheerios, crushed

If your little one likes to help in the kitchen, you can put the banana in a bag and let them smoosh it (fun sensory experience, too!)….ditto for the Cheerios.  Roo just doesn’t understand why I would put a banana in a bag and not just let her eat it J  We can’t even usually turn bananas into muffins or bread because she loves them so much.  This week we bought bananas in bulk, so I am able to actually use some in a recipe!! 

Mix the smashed banana, PB, and flaxseed.  Pour the crushed Cheerios into a separate bowl.  Using a teaspoon, make small balls of the banana mixture, and roll them in the Cheerios.

Let you little one enjoy right away, then store in the to make in small batches as bananas don't save well!!

The first one was eaten by picking off all the Cheerios, then devouring the rest.  The second one required a fork!  Of course, true success can be measured…..she asked for “more please!”

Case in point: The night before last Roo started spinning in circles, making herself so dizzy that she couldn't walk straight and thought it was all absolutely hilarious!! This girl does not need extra energy!! I need to get a video of her doing that.

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